Sunday, June 14, 2009

Welcome to AVLI-NB!

Welcome to the brand new AVLI-NB Blog!

The idea of using a blog to communicate with the public came from the recent Presidents' Meeting and AGM held in Halifax (thanks WAVLI for the idea!).

Here is where you can find information on AVLI-NB, including events, news, announcements, and (hopefully) everything you need to know about the interpreting profession in New Brunswick.

Feel free to leave a comment, check out our links and reading list, or ask us a question.



  1. I think this is a great idea! look at AVLI-NB moving into the new age of technology!


  2. Ginnie, I would add to the list of Reading Suggestions: "Train Go Sorry: Inside a Deaf World" as it is written from a hearing person's view who is raised at a Deaf school and eventually becomes an interpreter.
